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Will you and your team be next to join the electrical industry leaders?
Try attending a conference, meeting, or two then make your decision.

Electricians from Across the Globe

Electricians from all disciplines of the electrical industry have joined the International Association of Electrical Inspectors. These electricians come from every discipline in the industry.


Whether you are involved in residential, commercial, or industrial electrical work you can rely on the IAEI to keep you up to date on the latest equipment, procedures, regulations, and more.


Network with other professionals, find clients, and join the ranks of the world's leading electrical experts.

Inspectors, Officials, and Examiners

Inspectors from across the United States share experience and knowledge, and work together through the IAEI. Building officials and plans examiners enjoy the same benefits. 


At our meetings leaders in your area of the industry will speak on issues currently affecting all of us, solutions that are being made, and new products and services that are being introduced in the electrical industry.


Even if you have years of experience, our meetings and seminars provide valuable insight and give you a chance to share your knowledge with others.

Linemen, Inspectors, and Engineers

Linemen, inspectors, and engineers are welcome members of the IAEI. You bring valuable insight and expertise to all of our meetings.


Newcomers to the industry gain valuable education credits and knowledge from the more experienced members and speakers while attending online or in-person meetings, seminars, trade shows, and more.


It's also the perfect place to make business connections and discover new equipment that can make your job faster, easier, and safer.

Testing, Listing, and Labeling Companies

Whether your company is OSHA-approved or is an independent testing agency, you belong in the International Association of Electrical Inspectors.


Not only do experts from testing, listing, and labeling companies attend and speak at our meetings, but they also display their newest products at our trade shows.

Share your thoughts!


Would you like to receive answers to your questions from  fellow inspectors and fellow contractors from around the area?  Attend the meetings and discuss face to face with local AHJ's.


2015 by the North Florida Division of the IAEI.  Proudly created with


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